Subscribe to the Y&H Judo calendar on Google.
Please double check info on the website before making travel arrangements.

Do you want to run an event at your club?

We're here to help and support not just players and coaches but clubs too.

Competition hosting

We're looking for a few clubs around the area to run small low level events, which will hopefully provide a chance to develop new officials too. Would your club like to be involved with that? Get in touch.

Working with the area

Looking to host an event at your club in the area? Please talk to us.

We want to work with clubs for the benefit of both existing Judokas in the area but also get new members into your club.

If clubs work with the area we can:

- Help co-ordinate events to avoid clashes between events held by other clubs and the area. No one wants clashes meaning Judoka have to choose between events

- Help promote events being run by local clubs, we want all events to be successful, but we need to know about them in order to help promote events

- Help show people what needs to happen before an event

- Help find appropriate officials to support the event but also give people a chance to get involved in official roles